When you are new to scrapbooking, all the papers, tools, ideas, etc., can be overwhelming. In this blog post and video, we are going to create a basic scrapbook layout.

Basic Scrapbooking Definitions

Sketch: a black/white/gray blueprint to give you a general idea of where to place papers and photos.

Layout: a one or two page scrapbook design.

Cut Guide: a blueprint with measurements for cutting a piece of paper for a layout.

Cropping Photos: trimming a photo down from the original size.

Here is a Creative Memories Blog Post about Sketches

Essential Scrapbooking Tools

Having a 12″ Trimmer is a must-have for scrapbooking. We also love the Border Maker System to add easy border accents to your pages. Here are videos highlighting how to use both. Shopping links at the bottom of the post.

Beginning Scrapbook Handout

For this basic layout, you will need 3 sheets of paper and a 12″ Trimmer. Refer to the printable handout and the video for all the details.

Class Recap

3 Tips for Choosing Scrapbook Paper

  1. Decide what you want to accent (or not accent). If you ‘match’ a color in the photo, your eye will be drawn to that feature.
  2. Tonal Papers (mostly color not prints) keep the focus on the photos and not the paper.
  3. Neutrals can be a safe place to start if there’s no obvious color choice.

3 Tips to Upgrade a Basic Layout

  1. Add one extra cut to the cut guide. This gives you an extra piece to layer.
  2. Use the Border Maker System to punch along the edge of a strip.
  3. Use border stickers or punched chain-style borders to dress up the edges of the strips.